SGCH Camanna GB Moonlight Desire 2*M VEVE 89
Sugar-Pine FD Grizzly Bear
Hayseed Farm's FA Flash Dancer
Sugar-Pine SL Bear Cat
CH Camanna CS Moonlight Sonata EEEE 91 1*M
Twin Creeks AB Crescendo
Sugar-Pine SL Moonlight Molly
Born: 5/7/10
ADGA: D1529201
Extended Pedigree
Hayseed Farm's FA Flash Dancer
Sugar-Pine SL Bear Cat
CH Camanna CS Moonlight Sonata EEEE 91 1*M
Twin Creeks AB Crescendo
Sugar-Pine SL Moonlight Molly
Born: 5/7/10
ADGA: D1529201
Extended Pedigree
014 04-01 V 2013 03-02 V |
+ E |
E E |
V + |
86 88 |
Show Wins
for6/1/2013 North West Dariy Goat Association Judge Jeremy Lesniak. Reserve Champion
6/1/2013 North West Dairy Goat Association Judge Peter Thomas Considine. Reseverve Champion.
6/2/2013 North West Dairy Goat Association Judge Emily Thompson. Grand Champion.
6/2/2013 North West Dairy Goat Association Judge Emily Thompson BOB
6/2/2013 North West Dairy Goat Association Judge Emily Thompson Best Udder
5/4/2014 Rogue Valley Dairy Goat Association Judge Dakota Darst. Grand Champion
5/4/2014 Rogue Valley Dairy Goat Association Judge Dakota Darst. BOB
5/4/2014 Rogue Valley Dairy Goat Association Judge Sam Whiteside. Grand Champion
5/4/2014 Rogue Valley Dairy Goat Association Judge Sam Whiteside. BOB
Superior Genetics:
In August 2016 After sending in our final Dry dates for our herd milk tests for 2015 lactation (milked through the winter did not breed) we received a letter from ADGA Commending us on our commitment to the use of ADGA's performance programs that have resulted in recognition of Superior Genetics of Camanna GB Moonlight Desire.
6/1/2013 North West Dairy Goat Association Judge Peter Thomas Considine. Reseverve Champion.
6/2/2013 North West Dairy Goat Association Judge Emily Thompson. Grand Champion.
6/2/2013 North West Dairy Goat Association Judge Emily Thompson BOB
6/2/2013 North West Dairy Goat Association Judge Emily Thompson Best Udder
5/4/2014 Rogue Valley Dairy Goat Association Judge Dakota Darst. Grand Champion
5/4/2014 Rogue Valley Dairy Goat Association Judge Dakota Darst. BOB
5/4/2014 Rogue Valley Dairy Goat Association Judge Sam Whiteside. Grand Champion
5/4/2014 Rogue Valley Dairy Goat Association Judge Sam Whiteside. BOB
Superior Genetics:
In August 2016 After sending in our final Dry dates for our herd milk tests for 2015 lactation (milked through the winter did not breed) we received a letter from ADGA Commending us on our commitment to the use of ADGA's performance programs that have resulted in recognition of Superior Genetics of Camanna GB Moonlight Desire.